Thursday, August 14, 2008

Choosing your blog's niche

Now that you are clear about blogging, it is time to select the niche that is the topic of your blog. You will have to be very clear about your niche. This guide will help you select your niche with some factors to consider.

You will have to make sure that you select a profitable niche and it also has to be of your personal interest. Selecting such a niche is quiet tough. If you really want a blog in some unprofitable niche, you can go ahead, as I am pretty sure there will be demand and plenty of monetization in the future. The things to consider while choosing a niche are as follows -

  • Personal interest - You will have to choose a niche that you enjoy reading, learning and writing. This is because I believe you will do better in things you enjoy. If you choose a niche just for the sake of monetization then your blog will have very less readership.
  • Demand for niche - Second thing is you will have to check the demand or that niche, you don't want to blog about things that doesn't exist. You can check for demand on forums and other sites on the same niche. Sometimes somethings which no longer exists can drive heavy traffic. So, you'll have to use your brain a bit.
  • Competition - It is not something to worry about as the internet has a huge reader base for all niches, and how much ever competition you get there is always huge readership.
  • Potential for monetization - This is something to worry about as you will ahve to make sure there is a good advertiser span. For example due to the boom in the IT industry all tech blogs make a lot of money and have huge ad rates, but when there is a crisis in the IT industry these blogs will be forced to downsize. That is why I said that blogging directly depends on market conditions.
All the above factors does not mean that you should not create a blog that does not match the above criteria. I would prefer a niche that I specialize and enjoy. Monetization is not my first preference.

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